For those that don’t know how to write a best man/maid of honor/father or mother of the bride speech…

… we present to you expert insights by Brian Franklin, co-founder of Vows&Speeches, an agency specializing in writing vows, toasts and speeches for weddings. Here at A Day Like No Other, we wouldn’t know anyone more qualified to guide you through this “minefield” than him!

And here we go…

Photo credit: Allexa Crosson

A great wedding speech can be one of the highlights of a wedding… but conversely, a terrible speech can lay waste to the event. More commonly, though, wedding speeches are just mediocre or boring… which begs the question:

Why should anything be boring (or worse) at a wedding where every other aspect of the wedding has been thought through?

Most people who write wedding speeches simply just don’t have enough guidance or help.

Here are some tips that will help you make the most out of your speech or toast, and avoid some of the common pitfalls and cliches that tend to ruin these moments.

Photo credit: Allexa Crosson
  1. Keep it between 3-4 minutes.
    This is typically between 400-600 words, but the only way to know is to read it out loud and time it. (It depends on your speaking style. Attention spans are shorter than ever – and if you go longer, you risk losing the audience and blowing a very carefully crafted.
  2. Use only the safest jokes and stories
    Avoid jokes or stories that could conceivably embarrass someone or expose a secret. Additionally, not everyone wants to revisit bad times in their lives, so be careful about talking about difficult times or breakups. Never talk about past relationships/wives.
  3. Avoid generic phrases
    Try to avoid anything you’ve heard at a wedding before. Don’t say “You’ve always been there for me.” Instead give examples of how they’ve been there for you. Talk about what they mean to you and why. Be specific and tell a story.
  4. Always address both of the couple as equally as you can.
    If anything, try to weigh it towards the person you know the least. If you don’t know them well, focus on the positive changes you’ve seen in your friend or family member since their relationship began, and how happy you are that this person will be in your family. Speak to what you’ve seen and know.
  5. Don’t let the truth get in the way of a thoughtful and kind speech
    The mission of any wedding speech is to pay tribute to the couple and toast to their happiness. It’s not to reconcile your true feelings about the person your friend/child/sibling is marrying. Always keep your comments positive. Always.
Photo credit: Danny Dong

6. This isn’t your big shot at standup. This is about making them happy.
You may very well be a funny person, and your familiarity with the couple may give you a lot of material to work with, but ultimately, treat this as a gift to them. Jokes should resolve into a serious idea and/or loving statements. It’s fun to roast people, but balance the roast with the mission at hand: their happiness. Keep the speech focused on them, not on how funny you can be.

7. Create balance in your tone. Don’t make it all serious or all humor.
Dynamics are critically important to the success of any speech, and you should focus on creating dynamic both in content and tone. There should be fast, exciting, fun parts and slower, more serious and earnest parts. Four minutes of listening to someone spout their love is a lot without breaking it up with a bit of humor. Similarly four minutes of straight humor comes across as unsentimental. It’s important to have both to keep people’s attention.

8. Practicing out loud brings confidence and better performances.
Like any physical activity, repetition creates muscle memory. It’s not necessary for you to memorize the lines… but the more you do it, the more you will be able to concentrate on your tone and the expression of the words, rather than the words themselves. It will also help you work through lines that may be difficult and take extra practice (or require editing).

9. Get help if you’re nervous or having trouble finding the words.
Obviously, we’d love to work with you… but if there’s someone you know that can help you, ask them. If you’ve already written something or have parts of it done, try them out on someone you trust to give you an honest assessment. It’s better to get advice in advance and make the adjustments then to test it out for the first time in the spotlight. That said, we can provide help on both the writing and the practicing of your speech! It’s made a huge difference for hundreds of weddings. (See our testimonials)Want help or just to chat about what we do? Book a call here!

10. Never, ever, ever say “For those that don’t know me…”
It is the biggest cliché in the wedding universe. It is painful. You will be introduced by the DJ/MC… but otherwise, you can also identify who you are within a story. ( For example… “As your older sister, my initial job was to torture you…”). But on behalf of all wedding pros… please… just don’t say “For those who don’t know me..”

    Photo credit: Sandra Fazzino

    Vows & Speeches helps you find the words that are in your heart, and gives you the delivery coaching you need to make these moments everything they can be. For more information on how we can help you create custom vows, or for info on our wedding speech or ceremony services (or for other engagements), please visit or email [email protected] for more info.  More information on our vows services can be found here. 

    Brian Franklin is a communications and public speaking expert and the Co-Founder of Vows & Speeches. Prior to Vows & Speeches, he was a communications and advertising consultant for political and public affairs campaigns. He’s been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, ABC News, Brides, Bridal Guide, the Knot, and many more. 

    4 Reasons to do your own personalized vows (and not exchange them in private)

    Expert tips from professional speechwriter Brian Franklin at Vows&Speeches

    Here at A Day Like No Other, we always team up with experts in their own (wedding-related) fields to optimally serve our clients – and you, our readers! Today again we are delighted to present to you in-depth advice from Brian Franklin, co-founder of Vows&Speeches, an agency specializing in writing vows, toasts and speeches for weddings. So here we go:

    Whenever I hear of people exchanging their vows in private, I feel a sense of disappointment. I wish I could have talked to them, because not only are there very compelling reasons to say your vows in the ceremony, a lot of the fear and anxiety that are often keeping people from doing so can be overcome.

    Photo credit: Danielle Gillett

    Here are some of the reasons couples should do their own vows:

    1) Your vows are often one of the best parts of the wedding day:

    The vows, when personalized, are many people’s favorite parts! When you say your own vows—which are as much of a declaration of your love and appreciation as they are vows—it’s more powerful than the ring exchange or the I-dos. Your vows are where we get first hand insight from both of you as to what you love the most about each other, what makes you laugh, and ultimately, why we’re all here to see this. It’s a beautiful moment of vulnerability and more impactful than anyone else saying it on your behalf. If you don’t say them, do generic ones, or say them in private, you’re denying yourself the opportunity to learn about you. 

    Photo credit: JJ Chen

    2) When your guests hear your (personalized) vows, it changes the event:

    When you say your own vows, then entire vibe of the event changes. People forget that many of the people in the audience may not know your story as a couple. Perhaps they came from out of town, or they’re more friends of one of the parents. Even your own friends may not know some of your funny backstory or what you saw that caught your eye on that dating app. By giving your story from your (sometimes different) perspectives, your guests can understand you better, and they get more invested in the rest of the event. Importantly, you also get to hear your fiancé say out loud all of the reasons why they love YOU, which is an awesome moment for you as you’re about to seal the deal.

    3) The way to alleviate public speaking fears:

    There’s a two-part prescription for alleviating any fear (or terror) you might have about public saying your own vows in front of others: Content & Preparation. (Okay… for some of you, there’s a third part: a shot of whiskey.)

    When you love your vows—when you’re truly happy with what’s written and confident your vows represent how you feel and are written well—they’re simply easier to say.  

    Photo credit: Frank J. Lee

    This is where time is important: You need to give yourself adequate time, not just for the writing part, but for practicing out loud in front of someone who can help you with the delivery. By saying your vows, 15-20 times, out loud, you automatically get more and more comfortable. When you add some coaching on how to deliver your vows better, the fear starts to evaporate. It becomes something you know how to do.  

    When you love the content and you’ve been given guidance on the delivery aspects, it changes everything about how you go into these moments.  

    There’s an added bonus for those of you prone to sentimental crying: The act of saying your vows out loud, over and over again, takes enough of the sting out of the words to allow you to get through them without sobbing jags. Don’t worry, you’ll still get the feels, just not in the way you might be worried about.

    Photo credit: Megan Reeves

    4) They’re as much of a memento to your love as any picture, video, or keepsake. 
    You will always have them. Whether you watch the video, see a picture of your partner reading them, or hang them in written form on your wall, your vows are a tribute to your love and that moment you will cherish forever. During hard times, should they ever come, they become something to reference.

    Vows & Speeches helps you find the words that are in your heart, and gives you the delivery coaching you need to make these moments everything they can be. For more information on how we can help you create custom vows, or for info on our wedding speech or ceremony services (or for other engagements), please visit or email [email protected] for more info.  More information on our vows services can be found here. 

    Brian Franklin is a communications and public speaking expert and the Co-Founder of Vows & Speeches. Prior to Vows & Speeches, he was a communications and advertising consultant for political and public affairs campaigns. He’s been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, ABC News, Brides, Bridal Guide, the Knot, and many more. 

    How to write great vows: The 5 key elements

    Expert advice from Brian Franklin of Vows & Speeches

    Today I have a special treat for all of you who are struggling to write your own vows: expert advice from a professional specializing in exactly THAT. I am reprinting his own “words of wisdom” – thank you, Brian, for helping us out here! We at A Day Like No Other and all our couples are so thankful for your advice!

    As speechwriters for weddings and other events, we’ve helped write a lot of wedding vows. While there’s no substitute for working with a professional, where you’ll get help with both the writing and the delivery of them, here are five key elements that will help you make the most out of these moments. 

    Photo credit: Frank J. Lee

    1) Brevity:

    The hardest part about writing vows is striking the balance between saying what you want to say and the knowledge that your guests are already ready to get to cocktails and may be baking in the hot sun. Two minutes is plenty of time to get across the most important sentiments, touch on the key aspects of your love, and still have a few vows at the end. Longer than that and it can easily be a bit tiresome and potentially start throwing off your timeline. Whatever you decide, it’s very important that you read it out loud, time it, and let your planner know how long it will be. 

    2) Personalization, Specificity, & Originality

    Great vows don’t use generic language or clichés: They are personalized, specific, and original. For example, don’t say things like “you’re my person” but instead say “From that day that you stood in line—in the rain—to get me some pizza from Chiccareli’s because you knew it would make me happy after a hard day at work… I knew I was yours.” Don’t just talk about how much you love them… talk about WHY you love them. What do they do, specifically, that you love? What is it about them that is different? How do they show their love for you? What are the specific examples of how? 

    Some people, when they first hear about our business, Vows & Speeches, mistakenly think that getting help with writing their vows might make it less personal. In actuality, our interview process helps us dive deeper into their story and feelings about their partner and their relationship then they would have on their own. Over and over again, it’s the specific details we’re able to dislodge—sometimes little moments or aspects of our client’s relationship—that make for the best moments in their vows. 

    Photo credit: Danny Dong

    3) Humor

    Every good relationship has an element of humor, so your vows should as well. Talk about what’s funny about you two. What makes you laugh? What do you tease each other about (that would be appropriate for a wedding). What do they do or collect that amuses you? What do they like that you hate, but can joke about? When we’re interviewing our clients, we’re looking for those fun parts that maybe won’t be laugh-out-loud jokes, but will put a smile on people’s faces and serve as a counterbalance and release from the heavily sentimental love stuff. Just don’t make jokes that could be potentially embarrassing, upsetting, or otherwise inappropriate for such an important moment. 

    Photo credit: Ben Ingram

    4) Roughly equal length and quality

    There is nothing more awkward that seeing one person say beautiful, fun, and meaningful vows that they clearly put a lot of time and thought into, and then it’s followed with vows that are super-short or clearly thrown together at the last minute after Googling “how to write wedding vows.” If one of you is struggling, lack the writing skills to put it together, or are just running out of time, then get help! We’re happy to help you make it shine. 

    Photo credit: Danny Dong

    5) Your actual vows have originality

    At the end, there are usually 3-4 actual vows or promises, and as with the other parts of the vows, you’ll want to avoid anything generic or commonly used. 

    Instead, make promises that speak to what you know about your partner, or what you hope to do to be a better partner to them. You can also have a bit of fun with them. It’s the personalization of the actual vows—the originality that is specific to you and your relationship—that will make them meaningful and more engaging.  

    Here are some examples:

    Vows & Speeches helps you find the words that are in your heart, and gives you the delivery coaching you need to make these moments everything they can be. If you would like some help to make your vows shine, or have questions, please reach out to [email protected], and for more information on Vows & Speeches, visit:

    Poetry and songs for Valentine’s Day

    I’d like to share with you my all-time love favorites – poems and songs, and I hope you’ll enjoy them just as much as I do!

    Photo credit: Duy Ho

    Here is a wonderful poem – called a “song” – so tender and subtle…

    Love Song

    How shall I hold on to my soul, so that
    it does not touch yours? How shall I lift
    it gently up over you on to other things?
    I would so very much like to tuck it away
    among long lost objects in the dark,
    in some quiet, unknown place, somewhere
    which remains motionless when your depths resound.
    And yet everything which touches us, you and me,
    takes us together like a single bow,
    drawing out from two strings but one voice.
    On which instrument are we strung?
    And which violinist holds us in his hand?
    O sweetest of songs.

    Rainer Maria Rilke

    And a romantic piece of timeless music for you: Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.

    Photo credit: Frank J. Lee

    Anja and Eric in the Redwoods

    A career lawyer working 12-hour days and a Dutch engineer traveling worldwide for business – when such a super-busy power couple plans a wedding, they need help. A lot of help. Anja and Eric realized that fact early on and enlisted my company, A Day Like No Other, shortly after booking their venue. As avid outdoorspeople, they had chosen Nestldown Estate, a 36-acre property of natural Redwoods, manicured lawns, elegant event spaces and whimsical extras like a lifesize toy train, a giant sand sculpture, a fairytale cottage, flying dragons… it is truly one-of-a-kind!

    Our planning journey, as expected, happened with many starts and stops, depending on the couple’s workload and schedules. Catering, flowers, photo and video; music, guest entertainment, transportation and guest accommodations… there was a lot to be done! And finally, the Great Day had come.

    For bride Anja, the day started with hair and makeup services by Design Her Image

    … while groom Eric was likewise busy with preparations.

    Time to present herself to her groom for the first time in all her wedding beauty – First Look!

    Photographer Ben Ingram and The Good Folk Film team captured every precious moment.

    Meanwhile, the teams of Nestldown, A Day Like No Other, La Bocca Fina Catering and florist Green Petal Designs were frantically working behind the scenes to get all preparations done in time. Guests began arriving via shuttle (Corinthian Ground Transportation), and our DJ Woody Miraglia of Big Fun Disc Jockeys began playing prelude music in the “Chapel,” a natural clearing amidst towering Redwoods, accessed by a long flight of stairs which make for the most dramatic walk “down the aisle.”

    The wedding ceremony was officiated by a longtime friend of the couple, and as such was very personal – and emotional.

    Just married! “You may kiss your bride!”

    While guests were invited to cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, musically accompanied by Victoria Studio (Victoria Liu), a duo playing classic Chinese tunes on authentic Chinese instruments, the newlyweds had many more photos to take…

    Behind the scenes and unbeknowst to the guests, a Lion Dance Troupe (Lion Dance Me) was preparing for the big surprise of the day.

    Once dining tables had been set up…

    … guests were invited to attend the couple’s Tea Ceremony on the Main Lawn…

    … and after that, the drumroll started!

    Here come the cutest Chinese lions you’ve ever seen! They cozied up to the guests, batted their eyelashes and were altogether absolutely adorable.

    Guests were delighted, and then dinner took place “under the stars” and under twinkling lights, accentuated with toasts and speeches.

    After dinner, guests were invited to the “Barn” – the central function space at Nestldown – for Cake Cutting and dancing.

    The “Barn” is a barn just by name (and by its architectural style) – it is in fact a rustic-elegant event space with everything you might wish for, including a monumental crystal chandelier…

    … below which countless couples have performed their First Dance as husband and wife, just as these two here did. And except for the traditional Bouquet Toss and Cake Cutting…

    … it was all DANCE, DANCE, DANCE for the rest of the night.

    It was a truly unforgettable day. Anja’s and Eric’s Grand Send-off was the high point of the night:


    … and an exit in an authentic vintage London Taxi!

    Bon voyage!

    Allison and Jeston – whirlwind planning of a glamorous wedding

    If I had to give this wedding a label, it would be “classic elegance and glamour – in time lapse.” Why? We planners at A Day Like No Other had just six weeks to plan the whole elegant affair… while the couple was managing a household move! Our last vendor contract was confirmed on the day before the event. It was intense, to say the least… BUT the result was beautiful, and bride and groom were super happy!

    Allison had chosen an incredible lace wedding dress with a long train and matching veil…

    … and a classic bouquet in stunning purple (all florals by Green Petal Designs).

    Here are their rings:

    Ready for one pre-ceremony photo (all photos: Danny Dong) – without seeing each other, though!

    After a wedding ceremony in their church, serenaded by harpist Aysha Gomez-Kureishi

    … the couple left for photos in a vintage white Rolls Royce (from NLS).

    Off they went to the Redwoods, with their harpist bringing her gilded harp along!

    Isn’t that spectacular?!

    All the while, multiple vendor teams were hard at work to get everything ready for Allison’s and Jeston’s reception at the historic Peninsula Golf and Country Club – the venue team, my two production managers, Nimy and Deanna, the florist crew, and our Jazz trio (Magnolia Jazz). The gold-decorated wedding cake (from Copenhagen Bakery) was delivered, and when the newlyweds arrived, Cocktail Hour was already underway, and everything had been set up for dinner…

    … in the grand ballroom of the Clubhouse, beneath glamorous crystal chandeliers. The tables were adorned with lush floral centerpieces, part of them towering and part of them low and overflowing their silver compotes …

    Everybody was having a great time (including the newlyweds!) .. .

    … serenaded by the Magnolia Jazz Trio.

    Allison and Jeston shared their First Dance as a married couple…

    … and, following tradition, the bride tossed her bouquet to “all the single ladies.”

    What else? Cake cutting, of course!

    After that, it was only dancing, dancing, dancing… until the couple’s Grand Send-off!

    Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, Allison and Jeston!

    Are you inspired for your own wedding? Contact me at [email protected] for your free consultation.

    A Day Like No Other – wedding coordination and design

    “When only the best will do…”

    Elevate your wedding 101 – the DRESS!

    I assume it won’t take much convincing from my end: of course you want a gorgeous dress!

    I have to say that over the last years, many of my brides “knocked it out of the park” with their dresses. Have a look:

    Photo credit: ToanVen

    An enormous train… (which made the dress very, very heavy, by the way…)

    Photo credit: Danny Dong

    A train AND an enormous veil …

    Photo credit: Melissa Floriano

    Diaphanous tulle, with lace applique and a risque back – two of them actually:

    Photo credit: Vicens Forns

    Next: pastel floral applique:

    Photo credit: Danny Dong

    OR: unconventional! Short and chic:

    Photo credit: Sasha Photography

    OR: figure hugging lace (especially if you have a supermodel figure!)

    Photo credit: Juniper Spring

    What is YOUR style?

    Elevate your wedding 101: seating charts and escort cards

    Seating charts and escort cards are a great way to create a visual focal point, even a conversation starter! The options are endless, but here are a few that we especially like:

    Photo credit: A Girl with a Camera

    Table assignment cards tied to peacock feathers – the gorgeous feathers are for the guests to keep.

    Photo credit: Gavin Farrington

    A champagne wall: escort cards tied to elegant flutes filled with bubbly!

    Photo credit: Vicens Forns

    Table assignments on “leaves” pinned to mandarin oranges!

    Photo credit: Majesta Patterson

    OR “boarding passes” for bride&groom airlines, flight number = table number.

    Photo credit: Maria Hedengren

    Table assignments hand-calligraphed on a shabby-chic chalkboard…

    … or on a glamorous mirror.

    Which one is YOUR favorite?

    Contact me at [email protected] for your free consultation.

    A Day Like No Other – wedding coordination and design

    “When only the best will do…”

    Elevate your wedding 101 – dessert!

    “Life is uncertain – eat dessert first.” Right?!

    Most wedding guests secretly just wait for THE CAKE, or, for that matter, another memorable dessert.

    Photo credit: ToanVen Photography

    While a traditional wedding cake is still the “gold standard” for a wedding dessert, there are many delicious (and impressive!) alternatives – starting with a dessert buffet:

    Photo credit: ToanVen Photography
    Photo credit: ToanVen Photography
    Photo credit: Gavin Farrington Photography
    Photo credit: Gavin Farrington Photography

    More attractive options include a mini donut machine…

    Photo credit: Drozian Photoworks

    … churros…

    Photo credit: Vicens Forns

    … or, of course, ice cream!!!

    Photo credit: Duy Ho

    Any more questions? What is YOUR favorite?

    Contact me at [email protected] for your free consultation.

    A Day Like No Other – wedding coordination and design

    “When only the best will do…”

    Elevate your wedding 101: Drinks!

    Everyone has a bar at their wedding, right? BUT you can do so much more!

    First of all, stock the bar specifically with a selection that YOUR guests might like:

    … and, of course, accompany it with delicious bites!

    Greet your guests with a glass of REALLY GOOD champagne when they arrive:

    Offer specialty cocktails, maybe honoring your pet who cannot attend, like here:

    … and top it off with wine tasting, e.g. your favorite small-winery handcrafted wines:

    … or even whiskey tasting!

    And the absolute highlight: a champagne tower. None of your guests will forget that!

    Now – are you inspired?

    Contact me at [email protected] for your free consultation!

    A Day Like No Other – wedding coordination and design

    “When only the best will do…”

    #weddingplanning, #weddingplanner, #weddingconsultant, #weddingdesign, #weddingdesigner, #californiawedding, #elegantwedding, #weddingflowers, #weddingdress, #weddingstyle, #weddinginspiration