Spring Awakening at the Bently Reserve

One of the most prestigious San Francisco event venues, the venerable Bently Reserve, and the go-to event entertainment company in SF – Entire Productions –  had both something to celebrate (their new look!), and they joined forces and did it together… beautifully so, as was to be expected!



Yesterday night, their “Spring Awakening” party drew a prestigious crowd, a true “Who’s Who” of the top Bay Area event professionals. (Wasn’t I lucky to be invited?!). Just in the first hour I met hostess Natasha Miller of Entire Productions, who had brought a whole army of her entertainers –

IMG_3331starting with a violinist on the mezzanine, looking down on the Great Room…

IMG_3330… where the “415s” kept the crowd going.

Who else was there? My friends and fellow wedding planners Duncan Reyes of Events by Design, Fred Sullivan and Jaime Botello of Sullivan & Botello Events; caterers John Silva of Culinary Eye and Fernando Ciurlizza of La Bonne Cuisine, while Ranjan Dey’s New Delhi Restaurant was busy serving delicious paneer bites, as were Janet Weisberg of  Ladies Who Lunch and 49Square:

IMG_3336To wash it all down, guests could help themselves to a glass of champagne from the strolling “Champagne Skirt”, again provided by Entire Productions:

IMG_3332Guests might go on watching the stunning contortionist performance courtesy of Entire Productions…

IMG_3338… from a comfortable lounge area provided by Blueprint Studios and decorated with floral arrangements from Michael Daigian Design and Amy Burke Designs:

IMG_3333Susan Sheinkopf’s Party Staff made sure all guests were perfectly taken care of, and I and all my other friends that I met – catering managers Mariell Rahmani of the Fairmont SF, Chrissy Wolfman of the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins, Helen Wu of the Presidio Trust; photographers Misti Layne and Clane Gessel, florist Pat Gibbons and videographer extraordinaire Thomas Hughes – we helped ourselves to all the delicacies including yummy mini cupcakes from The Whole Cake.

IMG_3337Photographer Colson Griffith and cameraman Patrick Sedillo captured it all, while wedding media queen Cristine Thomas of Today’s Bride certainly found a lot of news and eye candy to report on! And what’s so great about events like this – not only do they give us the pleasure of coming together with our longtime friends and colleagues outside of our work environment, not only are we being pampered to no end (as described!) – every time I  make new discoveries! There is always a business I haven’t worked with yet at my wedding events but that’s so fantastic it immediately lands on my “radar,” and, of course, new contacts and friends. Last night, for example, I was introduced to Bailey Nakano of the Regency Center, and we immediately hatched a plan to do an event there together. Such is the vibrancy of the SF Bay Area wedding pro’s community! I love it…. Thanks again, Natasha, for having us all, and for having me last night!


Casa Madrona – a Hidden Gem in Sausalito

If you are familiar with the San Francisco Bay Area, the name Sausalito will definitely ring a bell – former fishing village turned chic residential and shopping district just across the Golden Gate Bridge, with killer views of the City, Mediterranean flair, yacht harbor, millionaire villas. Right? And its most revered historic hotel is the Casa Madrona. Situated just across from the yacht harbor, it started out as a mansion built into the steep hillside 125 years ago, by and by added on with adjacent buildings, likewise climbing up four, five stories on the hill.


What’s new? A lot! I personally have known “the Casa” for a long time, but today I literally met her again for the first time. General Manager Sietse Nabben and Senior Sales Manager Stacey Turner-Bruckert had invited the leading wedding industry professionals of the Bay Area to a cocktail reception showcasing the result of a recent $25 million remodel. Let me tell you – it’s awesome! The “Casa” presents itself true to its historic charm…

seating vignette… with cozy seating areas on the levels between buildings, yet fresh and inviting and with all the amenities of the 21st century. And the flagship of it all is its “Alexandrite Suite” with breathtaking views…

But I am getting ahead of myself. As a wedding planner, I first needed to know where a ceremony could be held, and here it is: on the 3rd floor balcony overlooking the Bay and the harbor:

ceremony setup 1

Room enough for up to 70 guests, for an intimate wedding ceremony with a truly breathtaking backdrop.

And for cocktails following the ceremony, guests would be asked into the 4th floor Alexandrite Suite, a dream of elegant modern design and cutting-edge amenities, including its own workout room, its own office…

suite seating area 2… a huge media wall…

suite media wall… and its own professional kitchen …

suite kitchen… where the chefs of nearby Poggio restaurant prepared mouthwatering hors d’oeuvres and desserts for us.

flower arr 1Floral arrangements from Mill Valley Flowers beautifully complemented the blue of the Bay and the green of the hills, adding just one more visual joy to the overall design.

Up here, there’s space enough inside and out on the expansive patio for wedding guests to hang out, chat and enjoy the sunset over cocktails…

view 2… and of course a private yacht charter can be arranged, and a send-off brunch the next morning! The new Casa Madrona wedding packages don’t leave any wishes open. Bride, groom and their guests will be pampered in the utmost luxury, serenity and tranquillity – and that may well be the greatest treat of all. One thing is for sure: a wedding here will be unforgettable!

Jessica and Eric: A Truly EPIC Proposal!

So here comes, hands down, the most creative, elaborate and meticulously planned proposal I’ve ever seen! Planned and executed by groom Eric who is herewith officially awarded the title EPIC!

In his own words (as I couldn’t put it any better) here is what happened – from his earliest planning stages to his actual proposal to his beloved Jessica.

Here we go:

“I wouldn’t have expected anything less!” – is something that Jessica and I have been hearing a lot lately after telling friends our proposal story. However, before I spill the beans, I’ll give you a snip-it of our pre-engagement life together. #TeamAdventure is the name we were given after our very first time meeting each other in person. Jessica flew from New York to sail my homemade raft that supported 4 hammocks, a fire pit and a huge pirate flag, 45 miles down the Green River in Utah over a period of 3 days. She ended up moving out to California, and after many more dates with similar flair, it was clear to me that I had found a beautiful gal who not only thirsts for nature and adventure like I do, but more importantly has a giant heart for helping people in need. I knew that Jessica’s passion, character and kindness were very rare; so I began planning for the next big step in our relationship.

Jessica is a clever gal, and I knew that in order to pull off something epic, something she deserved, I would need to play the cards with a seasoned poker face. For many weeks prior to the proposal, I initiated “date day Saturday,” so that when this particular Saturday came, she would be an unsuspecting victim, oblivious to the chain of events that were about to ensue. On Saturday, March 7th, I told her that we were going to a fancy breakfast to start the day –  a subtle cue to dress up. A few days previous, one of her gal friends “coincidentally” took her for a manicure and she just recently had a facial, so she was looking phenomenal by the time she walked out her front door, expecting me to pick her up in my car… which wasn’t there… neither was I. Instead, she found hanging from her porch a Victorian skeleton key, and a letter. The letter had specific instructions to drive the key to the Toll House Restaurant in Los Gatos and ask the front desk for our reserved table. She drove there, and upon asking for our table, they said, “Sorry Jessica, but your table has been moved to a new location…” and they handed her another letter (and a cup of coffee with a note written on the lid, in MY handwriting, saying “Open the letter now.”) This letter, #2, had instructions for her to bring the key to Villa Montalvo – a  grand historic mansion, winery, and art center. As she exited Toll House and walked back to her car, she was surprised to find an apple and a third letter sitting on her hood. The third letter, written in my hand, was a map for her on where to park once she got to Villa Montalvo. She was definitely giggling and looking over her shoulder at this point, waiting for me to pop out of the bushes somewhere.

As she parked in the instructed spot,  letter #3 told her to look in the glove box where she found, low and behold, the fourth and last letter: a picture-map of where she should walk from the parking spot. Past the fountains, away from the Estate Villa, across the expansive English lawn, toward the private gated  “Love Garden”  where the onsite Event Manager was blocking the large Iron Gate. When Jessica produced her key, she was told that TWO keys are needed to open the gate… “but it shouldn’t be long before the other key arrives.” She pointed back up toward the Villa, directing Jessica’s attention to something…what was it? It was me, in a shiny silver suit, riding a horse…. riding… a… horse…. (Funny side note: She STILL had no idea that I was about to propose!)


The iron gates swung open as I dismounted Mickey, the faithful steed, and she fed him the apple (now it finally dawned on her what that apple had been for!)

1553165_10155327872070204_1695527287588907775_ojust before we started to saunter down the garden path together.

10608588_10205985894789505_6697442913493819513_oWe were walking toward a huge white colonnaded Roman temple in the garden where a beautifully set  breakfast table was waiting right in front of its steps. Suddenly a violin began playing in the distance. This was my cue. I dropped to my knee, pulled out that ridiculously sparkly ring and asked her to spend the rest of her life with me.

10998820_10205985894589500_2904409433498168912_o-1 I had a photographer (hiding under the table!!) to catch the candid moments. And she said YES! More photos, and then we had a 5 course, elegant breakfast, serenaded by the violinist who had meanwhile joined us.


breakfastAfter breakfast we took a few more photos around the Estate property.

11044994_10155327811055204_6769227548264812098_oThe photos were great, but in reality this was only a way to “kill time,” because the next big surprise was on its way. The photographer told Jessica he had one specific shot in mind: he wanted us with our hands on the banister of a spiral staircase. I told her that “coincidentally” there was exactly THE staircase at a friend’s home close by, and that this friend was expecting us.  Upon pulling up in the driveway, it didn’t appear there was anyone home. So we walked up to the front door and knocked. Both large doors opened in unison and a massive, 45 person “SURPRISE!” was yelled! We hugged and said “hellos” to everyone before walking up the spiral staircase where I told Jessica, “I have one last surprise for you.”

The curtains at the top of the stairs were pulled back, and there, basking in the sun on the back patio was her family from New York who had flown into town the night before.

10866049_10205985894669502_1573979335193163176_oI’d never seen a gal go weak at the knees, so I had to react quickly  to catch her before she fell back down the stairs…

I am so grateful to have amazing friends who helped make the entire day a major success. From one guy disguising himself to place the apple and letter on the hood of her car while she was inside the Toll House, to another who made everyone practice the timing of opening the doors for the surprise, and everyone else who helped coordinate catering, decorations, photography and the rest of the shebang. I am looking forward to our intimate celebration at the wedding and the many years of crazy, adventurous, elaborate shenanigans to come! After all, we wouldn’t expect anything less!”

WIPA Kickoff Meeting 2015 – Food, Wine and Education at Tank18!

Not to forget the fun and the networking, of course! As the Regional Director of Programs for WIPA, I had – again! – the pleasure to put together a great start into the year, our annual kickoff meeting. This year, the meeting was hosted by Tank18,  an urban winery in San Francisco (yes, that does exist!), whose motto is “Food, Wine and Fun!”


Tank18 venue photoThat about sums it up – except that WIPA is all about education, and so we have a speaker at every meeting. This time was no exception – except: we had none less than the famous Sasha Souza!

sasha souza smallEvent planner to the “rich and famous,” frequent speaker and book author (she signed her new book for us!)


… Sasha shared some of her insider tips with us: “Vision (the bride’s and groom’s) to Reality” (here  is where the event planner comes in!). Sasha is so knowledgable as a planner and at the same time so engaging as a speaker! We all took away valuable insights – how to read between the lines, how to find the right color for those who actually don’t have a favorite color (or so they say…) and generally to express the couple’s wishes in their wedding celebration more elaborately and distinctly than they knew them themselves. Which is an art form in its own right…

Well, in our case the “vision” was triggered by the unique venue we were invited to: a huge space with exposed beams, raw concrete floors and walls exuding “industrial charm,” and wine bottles lining the walls.

IMG_6212My first idea was – we need a huge, striking floral arrangement hanging from the rafters! The highly creative team at Mandy Scott Events made that a stunning reality …

hanging arr 3

… with a 20-foot arrangement of manzanita branches adorned with countless yellow tulips. These found their match in rows of small, matching but not identical, centerpieces lining the axis of the dining tables …

… and occasional arrangements throughout the event space:

bar arrangementWe certainly brought the “vision” of “Spring in the City” to life here!

But an urban winery still has its roots in viniculture, which evoked in me “visions” of harvest tables and simple wooden chairs… Stuart Rental Company made that a reality …


dining tbl 2

… with rows and rows of wooden tables and chairs, china, silver flatware, Riedel stemware and amber water goblets – it all fit perfectly! To make it look even fresher, we provided a subtle aqua accent with  runners and coordinated linens and napkins from Napa Valley Linens.

You might be wondering where these patterned plates came from? Where to Start Wedding and Event Management sponsored them (it works with clings from underneath!) – a really nice touch for our kick-off meeting!

More visions… Cocktail Hour in such an industrial-cool looking space? That needs some “shabby-chic” accents – which came, courtesy of Designer8 Furniture Rentals, in the shape of vintage sofas…

loungeGuests got to enjoy their delicious hors d’oeuvres (by Global Gourmet Catering) here (fantastically juicy little bites – no one could stop noshing!) together with cocktails from the bar:

barThe menu for our festive lunch? The three gourmet entree choices were created for us by up-and-coming chef Chris Kronner of Kronnerburger, and guests kept raving about the food.


… and a yummy dessert, again from Global Gourmet:


The “menu card,” true to our overall “vision,” took a whimsical shape as well. In true wine-country style, chalkboard artist Ryanne Steele of Steele My Heart painted it on an oversize blackboard …

menu(just read that and get envious!!) – and threw in some large-scale art on yet another chalkboard, as a striking backdrop to Sasha Souza’s book signing table:

GG bridgeWhat you haven’t seen yet is the stunning accompaniment to after-dinner coffee:



…and …

petits fours cropped… petit fours, both from Chantal Guillon next door, converting our “color vision” of green, brown and yellow into oh-so-delicious reality!

And there was so much more – live music (singer/guitarist Marcus Cappellazzo)

IMG_6247 was provided by Entire Productions, and beautiful custom-designed printed programs in our “Wine Country” theme came from Invitation Story:


Photographer Clane Gessel and  videographer James Ferrandini of Thomas Hughes Films recorded our 2015 spring celebration on film. Guests were treated to a prize drawing, and many went home with gifts ranging from wine to golf vouchers. And of course everyone got the latest edition of Today’s Bride Magazine (our media sponsor – so that everyone out there always knows what the SF Bay Area WIPA Chapter is up to!) What guests couldn’t decide, though, was what they liked best – the food? the wine? the decor? the networking? the fantastic speaker? But everyone agreed it was a super fun event, and our next one will be on May 12 at the Omni Hotel in San Francisco. Hope you are coming!

Fanfare Wedding Faire at Kohl Mansion: One-stop Shopping for the Elegant Bride!

Never heard of Fanfare Weddings? No? Then it’s about time!

Fanfare Weddings is a group of luxury wedding vendors in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area whose specialties cover everything a couple might ever need for their wedding celebration – one high-end business of each category (me being the wedding planner/designer). And for more than two decades, this group has hosted its own elegant, well-curated wedding fairs twice a year, mostly at the historic Kohl Mansion in Burlingame.

kohl mansion The Winter Show 2015 took place on January 29 – and it was the best-attended winter show ever. Nearly a hundred brides, grooms, future bridesmaids and proud parents came to sip champagne, find  elegant vendors for their upcoming wedding, win prizes and enjoy performances. It was more an elegant soiree than a classic wedding fair and everyone literally wore a big smile along with a goodie bag packed with glossy magazines and little favors.

Right at the entrance, they were greeted by a shiny white Maserati courtesy of Club Sportiva – the ultimate getaway car for the newlyweds!


And they were invited inside in style by Gabriel’s Trumpets Trio (Brassworks)  – a truly regal sound.


Step into the grand mansion, and find gorgeous flowers by Plan Decor (and many more breathtaking arrangements to come – you’ll see!)…

entrance tbleRight in the first room, I was waiting at my booth with armfuls of roses for those brides …

my booth


… and photo books of my many weddings for inspiration.

booth2I was flanked by Jessica Morton of Miabel Hair and Makeup Artistry and by Aria Bella, a classical trio of harp (Anna Maria Mendieta), Violin (Joyce Lee) and soprano (Gloria Mendieta Gazave).

Then there was a display of breathtaking wedding dresses by my friends Saida and Chantal from Nouvelle Vogue Bridal Salon:

Guests admired the beautiful light effects by Enhanced Lighting and got to enjoy yummy food by La Bocca Fina

… accompanied by wine and champagne by Mills Wine Group, with dessert (cake bites) from Have Your Cake:

cake bites… the exact same delicious cake that’s hiding under these gorgeous wedding cake confections:

Bill Choy of Travelin’ Joe served the most delicious coffee varieties to go with these cakes, and guests then proceeded to meet officiant Minister Maggie and the team from the nearby Westin SFO hotel, and to swoon over classic invitations by Hyegraph …

… and a beautiful dining table designed by Classic Party Rentals …

… with flowers from Plan Decor:


florist 1


Then it was time for the vendor presentation in the mansion’s soaring double-height Great Room – with Woody Miraglia of BigFunDJs as our MC – but not just some presentation!

There were musical performances by Gabriel’s Trumpets and Aria Bella Trio, there was a mini dance lesson by choreographer and dance instructor Cynthia Glinka of Dance with Glinka (get ready for your First Dance, brides and grooms!) …

dance instruction2

… Plan Decor raffled away a dreamy white bridal bouquet…

bridal bouquet

…and Have Your Cake gave away a cake… and, yes, the Westin gave away a weekend stay for two! Of course we also have a world-class videographer (Thomas Hughes) and photographer (Teresa Halton) to round it all off – as I said, one-stop shopping for the luxurious bride… and now we’ll all go to work planning these elegant weddings, and that’s the most fun work ever!










Jeff and Adam, inseparable

Partners in life and partners in business, there was not a hint of a doubt for Jeff and Adam that they belong together – and so getting married was just the logical next step. Easy? Well, yes – somehow. What the two found out pretty quickly is that there is a big difference between the idea and its actual execution… and that’s where my company, A Day Like No Other – Wedding Coordination and Design, comes in.

Jeff and Adam had pretty clear-cut ideas of how they wanted their wedding to look and to feel. Being the super busy businessmen that they are, the one thing most precious in their lives is – quality time, together, and together with their families. So they were envisioning a long wedding weekend with their families, in complete privacy and tranquillity, with fabulous food and wine. They found their dream venue at the far end of beautiful Carmel Valley – Mesa del Sol Vineyards, a private estate among rolling hills and verdant vineyards, with a beautifully restored luxury farmhouse big enough for their families, with a courtyard shaded by mature trees, a professional outdoor BBQ, a bocce ball court, a swimming pool… heaven!

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0010 copyJeff and Adam had rented the property from Thursday to Monday, and they had already planned for a whole succession of family events … but with their busy schedules of (separate!) worldwide traveling there was simply no way they could do all the planning by themselves. And that’s how my team came to work with one of our favorite couples ever!

We helped Jeff and Adam finalize their plans from a welcome BBQ to wedding day to a send-off brunch, and the two even knew who would cook up a veritable storm for them and their guests: their personal friend, caterer Ben Lillywhite, who would move in with them and take over the state-of-the art kitchen to pamper their 45+ guests.

Speaking of guests… while Mesa del Sol is beautifully equipped, it’s not equipped for that many guests! From ceremony seating under a huge old olive tree (hay bales from a local feed store, hand-woven saddle blankets) to long farm tables for an outdoor dinner (Chic Party Rentals)…

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0224 copy… from lighting to music (DNA Entertainment) and beautiful floral decor (Natasha Kolenko) – not to forget a first-rate photographer (Sandra Fazzino) – there was a lot to plan and design in a mere 10 weeks!

Invitations were sent out… And then the Great Day had come!

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0098Here the two are getting ready together…

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0060…dapper and stylish as they both are!

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0112They had requested a masculine version of the classic boutonniere, and that’s what they got…

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0115Ready to go!

vowsLast minute checkup on the vows…

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0376… and then the moment had come!

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0383Sheer happiness… I Do!

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0503Time for a true farm-to-table dinner:



The kids were having fun, too…

Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0610… but definitely returned to the table when Ben’s incredible pies were served!


As dusk fell, the scene turned downright magical:


… and everyone around the table shared memories of the couple and funny stories!




Jeff_Adam_October_11_2014_0691Jeff, Adam and their guests truly enjoyed a day like no other… Many happy years together!


Your Personal Wedding Ceremony Planner – by A Day Like No Other!

Congratulations – you are engaged! And you are beginning that whirlwind called “wedding planning.” Venues, caterers, florists, DJs… and then thousand other things. Believe it or not, the planning of the ceremony is rather a “second thought” for many couples. BUT… it’s at the core of the whole celebration – it’s the reason for the party! It’s the moment when you two are committing the rest of your lives to one another. So better focus on it right away!

rings copy And since it’s such an important moment in both your lives, the person sealing your bond, your officiant, should be someone you trust, cherish, admire, or have been a friend with for a long time.

The first and most important decision you have to make is whether you want a religious or non-religious ceremony. Both the Catholic and Protestant Church require the ceremony to take place in a house of worship; Jewish ceremonies may also take place outside a synagogue (at your reception venue, for instance). If you wish to get married in a Church of your faith, you will probably contact your parish or ask your parish priest to be your officiant at a different church; but in any case, you’ll follow the framework that applies within your religious community. You may choose one ceremony with a priest of each religion present, or two separate ceremonies (only one will then be legally binding by the signing of the marriage certificate). In many cases, premarital religious instruction is required, especially in the case of an interfaith marriage, and in some cases a Church ceremony even requires that the partner who is not member of this specific religious group needs to convert and become a member first, a process that can easily take up to a year. So better check this out, first thing!


Your other option is to have a civil ceremony – and here the options are nearly limitless. To clarify: “civil” does not mean “non-religious;” it only means “not recognized as binding by an established Church.” You can have a non-religious, simple courthouse ceremony, or you can have a spiritual ceremony, even a ceremony following the Catholic rite, just not inside a Catholic Church, without the strict regulations, and consequently not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church (the White-Robed Monks of St. Benedict, for example, are monks following Catholic beliefs who will perform a Catholic wedding mass for you, anywhere you choose… it will be a legally binding marriage, but not one recognized by the Roman Catholic Church). If you do not wish to be married by an ordained minister, even outside a house of worship, most judges or justices of the peace can officiate; and if you’d rather have a trusted friend or relative be your officiant, this person can become deputized for just this one day (at a very moderate cost, by the way). Or you may have observed an officiant at a wedding you attended and liked the way he or she conducted the ceremony – by all means, ask for referrals!
Sounds quite complicated, right? If you have a wedding planner (always recommended… after all, I am one myself!), he or she can help you find exactly the right solution AND the right person.
Once you have narrowed down your choices, I recommend that you meet each of the “possibles” with enough time to get a good impression of what this person is like and whether you feel well understood with your specific wishes and in your personal situation, and appreciated as persons. Ask about the way this person would conduct your ceremony or wedding mass, whether you can write your own vows, include rituals that are meaningful to you, readings by persons close to your heart; in short, find out what it would be like to be married by this person. Take your time; don’t rush it. No one can make that decision for you – this is intensely personal, and you’ll have to follow your heart here.
Your chosen officiant may recommend premarital counseling (many actually offer this service) – and you should seriously consider this option. I assume your first reaction will be – “WHY??” The two of you are deeply in love, committed to one another – what is there to counsel? Well, of course you are right… but the sad reality is that about half of all marriages in the US fail and end in divorce, and it is safe to assume that all these couples were equally deeply in love when they said their vows, and still… and because this is so and because you do not want this to happen to you, it’s a good idea to at least consider premarital counseling.
A bit of etiquette – depending on how close you are with your officiant, it would be a nice gesture to invite him or her to the Rehearsal Dinner and to the Reception. In many cases, officiants will politely excuse themselves due to “other commitments,” but it’s at least a nice gesture to offer it. And if they accept, they get a seat at one of the parents’ tables or other position for honored guests. If your officiant is a parish priest, a donation toward the Church is appropriate, and if he/she is not affiliated with a specific Church, you should show your appreciation with a personal gift.
ceremony craig mike
With your officiant and ceremony venue in place – whatever you choose – it’s time to think about your vows. Of course you can always follow the standard “I Do’s” – nothing wrong with that – but if you’d rather express your own unique and personal feelings, you have to put these in words, and, believe me, that’s not easy! Take your time for that. A good starting point is to write a love letter to your partner; leave it in your drawer for at least 24 hours, and then read what you wrote. That will be the essence of what to say in your vows.
More details to think of: would you like to include readings in your ceremony? A favorite poem? Or maybe a favorite song or instrumental interlude? (And who would play or sing?) Would you like to include symbolic rites, like hand washing, ring warming, a sand ceremony, pouring wine ceremony, candle-lighting ceremony? There are so many ways to include your loved ones and even all of your guests and make them a real part of your ceremony and your union… just give it some thought!
And with that, I’ll let you go, because I know you’ll be super busy… and you’ll have a wonderful, meaningful, unforgettable wedding ceremony!


Feminine Charm and Grace – with Parasols by Design!

I have lately come across the most charming accessory for summer weddings: paper parasols! Not just any… but parasols by the design of Grace Dougan. They are surprisingly sturdy, they provide much-needed shade at summery outdoor weddings, and they are simply pretty!

Have a look:

2 parasols Bride and Maid of Honor hiding behind elegant taupe swirls…bride and bridesmaidand “peekaboo!” here they are – it’s just such a playful accessory!
PARASOL PHOTO SHOOT-11 Of course, wedding photographers love it as it frames the face and mitigates harsh light.PARASOL PHOTO SHOOT-25 Just look at these beautiful patterns – they come in taupe, peach, gold, green, yellow or porcelain blue on ivory, in peach or porcelain blue solids AND even with the inscription of the couples’ names and wedding date!PARASOL PHOTO SHOOT-65 View the collection… plus they make fantastic wedding favors! They can be personalized with a hangtag on the handle, reminding the recipient of the couples’ names and wedding date.PARASOL PHOTO SHOOT-69 One more close-up…PARASOL PHOTO SHOOT-107

… and even little princesses love them!

toddlerI am sure you are now totally smitten, too! Look them up on Parasols by Design. I showcased them at my last festive WIPA event, and they were a real hit! I’ll definitely use them in my own wedding designs, that’s for sure – and if I’ll hang them from the ceiling for a whimsical decor!

Trends in Wedding Bouquets – 2014 and Beyond

A “trend” is defined as a direction – and mostly understood as “something new,” like in “Fashion Trend.” Looking back on the 2014 wedding season, and especially on the variety of beautiful and unexpected dress choices my brides had made, I was wondering about their flowers. Trends? Not really. When it came to their wedding flowers, my brides were surprisingly conservative! The undisputed winner of the year 2014 was the classic hand tied bouquet – mostly based on ivory and green, with accent colors. Very, very few exceptions… have a look for yourself.

Here’s the first textbook classic:

bouquetAngie’s ivory-and blush pink bouquet of roses and peonies to accompany her elegant summer wedding.

Here are more in a similar style:

shaina's bouquet

Shaina had likewise chosen pink hues for her accent color, and her and her bridesmaids’ bouquets (see those below) were based on English roses and hydrangeas in ivory and various shades of pink.

Shaina's bridesmaids bouquets

Erica's bouquet cropped

Erica added fresh green accents with Bells of Ireland and green-tinged hydrangea…

Pam's bouquet2

Pam opted for peach (English roses, dahlias) for her rustic-nostalgic nuptials…

Lauren's bouquet

Lauren added a tina touch of blue to her otherwise elegantly simple and classic bouquet of ivory Vendela roses…

064_laura_tyler_07_19_2014 … and Laura chose hot pink as one of her accent colors, and her hand-tied bouquet consisted of stargazer lilies, roses and hydrangeas all in this color family.

Last but not least, one bride went for ultra-classical with a spherical all-red, all-rose bouquet with a glass handle and matching bridesmaids’ bouquets:

Amy Lin's bouquets

Which shows the versatility of this style! But still – wasn’t there a more adventurous style out there?

A little…

Laura's bouquet1

My “other” Laura went for a more relaxed, “wild” style for her outdoors vineyard wedding, with eucalyptus, succulents and berries mixed into the roses and lisianthus flowers. If any “trend” crystallizes here, it’s the succulents which have gained favor not only in table arrangements, but have made their way into the bridal bouquets, too.

Here’s another one:

Amy Lovinger's bouquet-750x1024

Amy fell in love with a combination of succulents, eucalyptus, ranunculus and exotic protea blooms in saturated pinks for her nostalgic outdoor celebration.

michele's bouquet cropped

Michele had variegated euonimus greenery added to her summery bouquet for her garden wedding, with sunny yellow as her accent color…

Vannie's bouquets

… and Vannie took it one step further: her bouquets were really “hand-tied” by herself, and with twine!

Only two couples did something totally unique. One, Alan, was actually a groom in a same-sex wedding who hand-crafted paper flowers:


… and the other one was bride Courtney’s handcrafted brooch bouquet:

PaCoWedding205What was NOT chosen? Well… no elegant straight bouquet of sculptural flowers (like calla lilies or long-stemmed roses); no cascading bouquets; and nothing “outrageous” like a flower lei in lieu of a bouquet.

Maybe you, dear readers, are up for that? Let me know your favorites!